SomeOrdinaryGamers Wiki

Dustyfootwarrior Dustyfootwarrior 24 November 2013


Let's start off by saying what a cliché is. You see, clichés are things over used to the point that they are repetitive and almost always an utter annoyance. Reading them are not fun and entertaining. They are the culprit to why most pastas are practically the same. Let me run by an example.

Hello, my name is (insert name here), and I love (insert video game here). At least I did, but not anymore. You see, one day I was doing something and I got a copy from ( old man/ eBay / a long time friend) and when I played it, the thing was crazy. Everything was hyper realistic, and everything was drowning in a pool of blood. So spooky. Then the character came out of the game and killed me, and that's why I'm posting this story right now. By the way, …

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Dustyfootwarrior Dustyfootwarrior 24 November 2013


As I go through this wiki frequently, I notice many patterns. One of these is lack and misuse of categories.

As stated in the rules you should of read when you signed up, categories are a must have. You NEED them, or else you can risk getting a temporary ban. But that doesn't mean make them up, it means use existing ones.

It isn't difficult. On the sidebar when you publish a pasta, there should be a section called "categories" . Typing in the "add categories" adds them, so make sure to do so.

When you do, select one that fits your story. All pastas need "creepypasta" and "creepypastas" as categories to start off, as well as all other relevant things. If it's a video game, use "video games" . If it's real life, add "real life" . If it's a vide…

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Dustyfootwarrior Dustyfootwarrior 17 November 2013

Life is Empty

We established this in chat, but it seems me, Forza, Marcus, and Flaky seem to be the main guys working around on here.

Where did everyone go? ...

Why doesn't Mutahar get on?

I'm probably just babbling on about something people dont care about, so why even bother?

I'm guessing I'm that one person who you ignore but need around to do all the things you don't want to do. The pack mule of sorts. I'm sure everyone would notice if I dissappeared from chat and the Recent Activity, but aside from that, its an empty existence here. Makes me question who'd wants me around in real life. All my friends ignore me and the one person who won't leave me alone won't stop grabbing my stuff and touching me. My family says they love me, but all they do is yell and control me. If I cant live my o…

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Dustyfootwarrior Dustyfootwarrior 2 November 2013

A Blog You'll Never Read

Writing a new pasta.... a very personal one. So far im five pages in, but I'm brain dead right now so I cant continue. Ill post it when I finish it. Could be tomorrow, or next week.... I dont know. 

I'm iching to do something, but I cant think right now, and my computer's charger is dead, so........ Im kinda screwed. Other than that I wanna curl up into a ball and fall asleep. Im not feeling good, my hair is disappearing very quickly right now, and I've ran out of things to really do on this wiki.

I want to be left alone, but I have nothing to think about. I want to listen to music, but its hurts my head more. I want to eat, but threats of getting fat makes me resist it. I want to play pokemon X, but I don't own it. I want to do something, an…

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Dustyfootwarrior Dustyfootwarrior 28 October 2013

Flaky wants reminders

1. add Mutahar on steam

2. tell him we need more admins 


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