SomeOrdinaryGamers Wiki

Sir Areis Lionheart Sir Areis Lionheart 3 September 2013

I'm fucking tired of playing subtle.

This is ridiculous!

Team SOG is dying, I'm well aware of that, it seems that Mutahar has abandoned the community, but I'll be DAMNED if I'm gonna let this wiki fall apart. Over the next week or two, I intend to try to sort through every page I can and eliminate any bad crappypastas.

I urge the admins to do the same.

Mutahar may have abandoned the wiki, but I will not.

As for other members, if you find trouble with certain users, be it for trolls or whatever, report them to either me, Kefka, Dayfinder, Yourmama, FlakyPorcupine, or Khdog

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Sir Areis Lionheart Sir Areis Lionheart 12 July 2013

Explanation for Lack of Activity

Between my shitty Internet connection now that I'm out of college (where Internet ran at a healthy 1 Mb/s) and back home (Where I'm lucky if Internet runs at 62 Kb/s) and the fact that I'm working two jobs, along with my writing hobby, and my video game building hobby (the latter for fun, as well as preparation for my new college major in a couple of a video game programmer/developer), I have been unable to keep up with my administrative duties.

However, in addition to regaining interest, and the fact that I'm finding some time clear up in my schedule, I may become more active on here, even if not as efficient as I used to be. Oh, and you guys may here me go on and on about a certain lover named "Ruby".

No, I am NOT referring to f…

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Sir Areis Lionheart Sir Areis Lionheart 25 April 2013

The Administrators are Restless...

Okay, so lately we've had a hacker that's been going around and seriously fucking up the site.

Because of issues with tracking down this hacker and stopping the bastard from striking, the wiki has basically gone into lockdown. One of our fellow administrators, Nightsbladeoftruth, has contacted the Wiki Staff for aide.

Also, the CREEPYPASTA list has been locked to registered users (in other words, users have to be registered for a certain amount of time before they will be granted access to the list).

Until we can stop the hacker, the wiki will have to undertake major precautions. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If any users, normally well behaved (be they admin or normal user) suddenly take a turn for the trolling, LET THE ADMINS KNOW IMMEDIATELY! Let ALL …

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Sir Areis Lionheart Sir Areis Lionheart 17 April 2013

The Death of Pokemon: Nintendo Seeking Legal Action Against Fanworks/LaboR


Pokemon is fucked.

Nintendo has already ordered that be taken down. Already fanart and sites are being forced by Nintendo lawyers to be removed. Links are forbidden now to anything Pokemon-related.

No doubt Creepypastas and Fanfiction are next on the chopping block.

It started with Pokemon B/W (Don't know what started that) but now they're pulling all kinds of Pokemon things down, ordering sites to remove everything Pokemon related or risk having said site taken down and the owners sued for Copyright Infringement.

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Sir Areis Lionheart Sir Areis Lionheart 16 April 2013

ALPHA 1.0.0 of "Warriors of Guardias" an RPG I created, RELEASED!

Dropbox Download for "Warriors of Guardias" Alpha 1.0.0

WARNING: Follow the directions as given by the "IMPORTANT - READ TO PLAY" document included with the download. In order to fit the file beneath Dropbox's upload cap, I had to break the game apart into fifty 10 Mb segments. Now, the document includes a link to download 7-zip, the program needed to "recombine" the broken pieces of the game, as well as a guide on how to recombine the files.

In order to play, you MUST install RGSS-RTP, I believe I included the proper installer with the folder, but I'm not sure. If not, you can obtain RGSS-RTP with Google, and, as far as I'm concerned, it's a free download.

Warriors of Guardias is a 4 act Indie game I am developing.

Some Information:

Summary: Gu…

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